Thursday, February 17, 2011

How To....

How to play basketball really it’s not that hard Basketball is a team sport in which two teams of five players try to score points by throwing or "shooting" a ball through the top of a basketball hoop while following a set of rules. Basketball is one of the most popular and widely viewed sports in the world a regulation basketball hoop consists of a rim 18 inches in diameter and 10 feet high mounted to a backboard. A team can score a field goal by shooting the ball through the hoop during regular play. A field goal scores two points for the shooting team if a player is touching or closer to the hoop than the three-point line, and three points if the player is "outside" the three-point line. The team with more points at the end of the game wins, but additional time may be issued when the game ends with a tie. The ball can be advanced on the court by bouncing it while walking or running or passing it to a teammate. It is a violation to walk with the ball, carry it, or to double dribble.“What you are as a person is far more important that what you are as a basketball player.

What You'll Need

o        Unlike baseball and football, two other mainstream sports, you don't need a lot of equipment to play basketball. You also don't need as many willing bodies. Basketball can be played with a minimum of one person (just shooting and dribbling around) to a maximum of ten people (a full-court game).
1.       A hoop
o        A hoop (also called a rim) is a metal cylinder. The basketball must pass through the hoop to score points in basketball.
2.       A court
o        A full basketball court is the ideal, but many people make do with much less. You can play one-on-one in your driveway or anyplace with a hard surface and a basketball hoop. Basketball Court
3.       A friend (or nine)
o        There are many ways to play basketball. You can play one-on-one, two-on-two . . . all the way up to teams of five. Even if you are just playing an informal basketball game, you should have no more than five people on each team. The court will get too crowded, and it will be difficult and dangerous to play.
4.       A basketball
o        Because basketball is a game that can be played by anyone, there are several different sizes of basketballs. Academy Sports: Choosing a Basketball
5.       Sneakers
o        Because of all the stop-and-go action that happens on a basketball court, you should wear stable, comfortable sneakers for foot and ankle support.
6.       Comfortable clothing
o        Just like you wouldn't run a 5k in business attire, comfortable clothing is a must on the basketball court.

The Court

o        For the uninitiated, the lines on a basketball court can look like mythical gibberish. But each marking on the court carries a meaning, and usually a rule as Taking a Closer Look at the
Basketball Court
1.       Sideline
o        The sideline runs down the long side of the court. This line forms the boundary on the side of the court.
2.       Baseline
o        The baseline runs down the short side of the court, below the hoop. This line forms the boundary at the base of the court.
3.       Half-court line
o        The half-court line runs directly through the middle of the court, splitting it into two mirror-image halves with a hoop at each end.
4.       Center court
o        The circle at center court is where the game will begin. One player from each opposing team will meet in this center to tip-off. At tip-off, a referee tosses the ball in the air while the two players in the center attempt to tap the ball to their players and obtain possession. Coach’s Clipboard: Opening Tip Play
5.       Free-throw line
o        The free-throw line is where a shooter lines up to take a free shot after being fouled. A free throw is awarded with one How to Shoot a Free Throw in Basketball
6.       The key
o        The key is the small half-circle above the free-throw line, which is typically continued by a dashed line. This circle is used for jump ball tip-offs in mid-game, usually only seen in professional leagues.
7.       The lane
o        The lane consists of the area between two lines extending from the key to the baseline. The floor in this area is usually painted, which is why the lane is also sometimes called "the paint." This is where each team lines up when a shooter takes a free throw. An offensive player may not stand within the lane for longer than three seconds at a time. A defensive player may stand in the lane for any length of time.
8.       Three-point arc
o        The three-point arc is the line that makes a half-circle from the baseline on one side of the hoop to the other, encircling the key. Any shot taken and made from this point receives a score of three points.
9.       Hoop/basket
o        The hoop is the goal of the entire game. When a player shoots the ball, he or she aims for the ball to travel through the hoop. A basket scores two points. However a shot made from behind the three-point arc is worth three points; a free throw is worth one point.

The Positions

o        In an organized game, each team has five players. Each player plays a specific position.
1.       Guard
o        Generally, guards are the fastest players on the team. They generally remain in the back court. There will be typically two guards on the floor at any given time-- a point guard and a shooting guard. Basketball Positions and Structures
o        The point guard is generally the best ball handler on the team.
o        The shooting guard is the best shooter on the team.
2.       Forwards
o        Forwards are power players. They generally play in the front court, or closer to the hoop. They can be classified as a small forward or a power forward]. Basketball Positions and Structures
o        The small forward is the best shooter in the front court. Small forwards are what some may call a "utility player"-- they can handle the ball like a guard, but also provide power in the paint like a forward.
o        Power forwards are the best rebounders on the floor, and provide the muscle down beneath the hoop.
3.       Center
o        The center is typically the tallest player on the team. They play around the free-throw line, to help create pick-and-roll plays and to score down low and block shots.: Basketball Positions and Structures
o        Numbers are often assigned to each position. Basketball Plays and Tips: Basketball Positions
1.       A point guard is a 1.
2.       A shooting guard is a 2.
3.       A small forward is a 3.
4.       A power forward is a 4.
5.       A center is a 5.


o        A team can only score points when they are in possession of the ball. The team that is in possession of the ball is on offense. The goal of the offense is to score points, which is done by shooting the ball through the basket or hoop. There are several things that the offense needs to do to score points.
1.       Ball movement
o        A player in possession of the ball may not move their feet without dribbling the ball at the same time. Basically, you can't just hold on to the basketball and run; this is a violation called traveling. You may also pass the ball to another teammate to forward the ball's progress down the court. Britannica Online: Basketball Traveling
2.       Create opportunities
o        Do the math: there are five players on offense and five on defense. In order to score, you need to shake off the defense. If all five players on the offense stand in one place, points will never be scored!
o        Many organized teams run various plays. However, basketball plays are only a set of coordinated diversions, aimed at opening up one or two players for a shot. Basketball: Basketball Plays The easiest way to open up a player is to set a pick. A pick puts a defensive player off balance, and allows the player with the ball to move, shoot or pass. To set a pick: Guide to Coaching Basketball: The Basics
1. Run up behind the defensive player guarding the player in possession of the ball.
2. Cross your arms over your chest.
3. Plant your feet. (You may be charged with a foul if your feet are moving when you set the pick.)
4. Let the defensive player knock into you trying to chase down your teammate.
o        For an informal game of basketball, all you'll need is a really great pick to create wide-open shots.
o        Don't forget to pass. Nothing sets up great offensive opportunities like teammates, so make sure to get everyone involved!


  1. ok im jus reading this myself and i think i should make a song lol you know teach me how to ball... people tell me what you i think is this good enough talk to me!!!!!

  2. ill talk to you evan. yes i think you should make a song "teach me how to ball" id proudly pick you out on itunes and add you onto my ipod. and id like to say that you are very organize in your "how to".
